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2002 Oregon Coastline

View of Mount Ranier from the plane.

Oregon Coastline, Mt. Ranier & the Pacific Northwest 2002

We can almost feel the warm sand between our toes…and the wind blowing in our hair as we remember our summer vacation to the Washington and Oregon coast and mountains. In Washington we stopped in Seattle to tour the famous Marketplace where they throw the fish around when someone buys them. We then visited Cascade National Park, Olympic National Park, Mt. Rainier, and Mt. St. Helen’s. In Oregon we climbed Mt. Adams, and drove up to Mt. Hood, but the part we enjoyed most was the Oregon coastline. Scouting for sea life in the tide pools along the ocean we saw and touched starfish, sea urchins, sea anemones, and more. We cooked hotdogs over a campfire on Fogarty Creek State Park beach near our campsite while we listened to the waves roll in against the shore and the nearby rocks. Erik tried to build a wall of stones to stop the waves and convinced Kyle to help him. But slowly Erik learned how powerful the ocean really is! We really enjoyed the sand dunes in Jessie Honeyman State Park. There were lots of dunes to climb up, and run or roll down. We found one that must have been a quarter mile high. We only climbed up once but the boys must have climbed back up ten times. They had so much fun rolling down and we really enjoyed watching them as we sat at the bottom thinking perhaps we were starting to get old?

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