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2013 Bulls Game and a Segway Tour of Chicago

Our 'spring break' was a bit unorthodox this year. Erik was in Floriday with some of his friends so we made a mini get-away to Chicago.

We got to Chicago and took on a Chicago Bulls versus Orlando Magic game. Ok...the finish was exciting and the Bulls pulled out an 87-86 win but two of the players we wanted to see on Chicago were sitting out since they already made the playoffs. Oh well....

(Sorry for the crappy picture quality!) After Roxanne made her way onto the big screen Fan Cam at the bulls game, we had to do the next best thing which was to get her picture with Michael Jordan. you go!!!!

the following morning, we raced downtown to take a guided tour of the Chicago lakefront and Museums on a Chicago Segway tour. If you ever get a chance...go do this! It was a blast!!! Thanks to Chicago Segways.

Immediately following the tour, we had to show Roxanne the infamous Chicago "Bean"....can you see our reflections??

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