2018 - Sept 29-30 Kyle Soccer Tourney at Iowa State
This was Tim and Roxanne’s third year of taking the trip to the Regional Qualifier Tournament for Kyle’s soccer. Tim’s Dad and his wife Toni hauled their 5th wheel camper to Ames, Iowa where Tim and Roxanne met and stayed. Kyle’s team played two games on Saturday and then had one game Sunday morning. The team didn’t have nearly as much success this year but the games were competitive and fun to watch.
Our excitement game at the end of the third game Sunday morning. With only a few minutes left in a must-win game, Kyle dribbled nearly the length of the field (Kyle is a defender) and was winding up to take a shot. At the same time, a defender from the other team did the same thing and both of their feet met on the ball at the same time. Kyle crumbled to the ground and we could see he was in great pain. After a few minutes, Tim walked down to talk to the trainer who suggested that we bring Kyle directly to the Emergency Room since it appeared Kyle broke his ankle. After only a few minutes, Kyle’s ankle had swollen to the size of a softball.
Just for the record, at the Emergency Room, Rox and Tim were given the “Good News” that Kyle didn’t break his ankle but that it was an “impressive sprain” that they were going to treat just like it was a break.
For those that have never seen a "Van Hammond Ankle Sprain", here you go. Enjoy!
Kyle ended up being on crutches for just over two weeks.