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Crazy Todd Concert - Stir and Listening Party

I've shared with many stories about the home concerts that my brother hosts. I wanted to share a couple of photos for you to see what this is like. This concert was Todd's 32nd Home concert.

My vantage point for these photos is from the stairs at the back of his living room to the upper floor (my usual spot).

The opening act at this concert was a duo for a three-person band called Listening Party that I was unfamiliar with. I really enjoyed these guys, bought two of their CDs and will definitely seek them out for a live concert in the near future.

The second act featured the lead singer (wearing the black stocking cap, below) Andy Schmidt who is on my brother's Mount Rushmore of singers that he's wanted to play in his livingroom. This was even more special for Todd as the entire band of Stir joined Andy on Friday night just prior to their gig Saturday at the House of Blues in Chicago. (of course, Todd was going to that too!)

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