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2019 Our Deer vs Motorcycle Saga

What started out as a relaxing drive to Two Rivers to grab an ice cream cone on a warm, summer Saturday afternoon ended up to be more exciting than we wanted. We got to Two Rivers late in the afternoon on Saturday and grabbed that ice cream cone. Since it was such a nice afternoon we decided to have dinner along Lake Michigan which stretched out to about 8:30pm before we headed home. For those not familiar, we took Highway 10 which runs east-west between (roughly) Appleton and Two rivers but it is a 2-lane highway through mostly rural areas. Of course it was dark when we passed through Forest Junction at about 9:30pm when a deer ran in front of the motorcycle that Roxanne and I were riding at about 60mph. We never really saw it! Tim says he

The good news is that we really ended up in pretty good shape. Yes, the deer was dead and the motorcycle ended up being “totaled” but Roxanne and I did walk away. Roxanne was in better shape than Tim with only a few bumps and bruises and was quite sore. Tim did get a ride to the hospital in a neck brace which turned out ok. Besides Tim also having lots of bumps and bruises, there was very little blood but Tim broke his Radius of his right arm near the wrist. As of mid-November 2019, Tim has had two surgeries on the wrist and is scheduled for surgery #3 in early December to have all the metal (two plates, 10 screws and 10 pins) removed.

By the way, we did get a new, replacement bike and we will be riding again!

Oh...and then mother nature decided to send a storm our way the next week. Thanks to neighbors and friends who came to help because Tim and Roxanne were next to useless (which could be argued that may be status quo)

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