2023 We have a Granddaughter!!!
What an exciting year for us (oh yeah...and Erik and Amy). Reese Cheyenne joined the Van Hammond family on August 29th, 2023! The photo below (4 weeks) shows her eyes wide-open which is something we haven't seen too often.
She's adorable and we are so happy to have her in the family!
Of course, Grandma Roxanne is in heaven and loves to volunteer to babysit. I think she is encouraging Amy to go do things just so that she can watch Reese!
Uncle Kyle and (future) Aunt Paige also joined the family on 9/24 for Reese's baptism.
Reese had 9 GREAT Grandparents attend her baptism as well. Here is Grandpa Dick and Grandma Toni (Tim's Dad )
as well as Great Grandpa Allen and Great Grandma Jeanne Lamers (Tim's Stepfather)
and Great Grandpa Phil and Gr Grandma Judy Pierre (Roxanne's parents) attended.
Poor/lucky Reese spent time in everyone's arms on Baptism day! (smile)